Sheriff's Field Operations Division
Field Operations Division (FOD)
Captain L. Adams
The FOD is commanded by a chief deputy who is the division commander and a captain who is an assistant division commander. Our Homeland Security component is led by a lieutenant, our FOD unit / section supervisor and Department of Elections liaison is led by a lieutenant. Our Emergency Services Unit (ESU) in the FOD Administration is led by a sergeant and a senior deputy who assists with a multitude of emergency services requests and responsibilities. The units that make up the FOD include:
- Canine
- Central Warrant Bureau (CWB)
- City Hall Security, which includes the Community Assessment and Referral Center (CARC), and Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
- Civil - Community Relations and Evictions Assistance
- Court Services including: Civic Center Courts (CCCH), Hall of Justice Criminal Courts (HOJC), Juvenile Justice Center (JJC) and Hall of Justice Lobby Security (HOJS)
- Department of Emergency Management (DEM)
- National, State, City-wide and District Elections
- San Francisco Sheriff’s Department Homeland Security Unit
- Emergency Service Unit (ESU) including: Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT), Mutual Aid Mobile Field Force (MFF) and Special Response Team (SRT)
- Sheriff's Patrol Unit (SPU) including: San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH), Laguna Honda Hospital (LHH) and 9 Neighborhood City-run Clinics)
- Transportation Unit
Canine Unit:
The FSSD maintains a Canine Unit consisting of a canine handlers and service dogs, which are trained for law enforcement related tasks. The canine handler and service dogs are utilized in the detection of drugs, explosive materials and devices, assist in the prevention of drugs and other illegal contraband into the county jail system, respond to mutual aid requests from other law enforcement agencies, provide public relations services for recruitment and to promote the SFSD in the community.
Central Warrant Bureau (CWB):
CWB Unit is located on the 4th floor of the Hall of Justice Building at 850 Bryant Street. CWB Unit processes all San Francisco County criminal records and warrants. All CWB sworn and civilian staff are responsible for the query of criminal information from other law enforcement agencies and the release of certain types of criminal information. CWB staff is responsible to ensure all proper criteria and proper forms are completed. All new warrants generated from the San Francisco County legal system, including Superior Court, District Attorney, Juvenile Warrants as well as Grand Jury Indictments, Civil Body Attachments and SFSD work alternative program warrants are also processed by CWB. The unit monitors the SFSD Emergency communication phone, transports prisoners from other California counties and State Prison and takes individuals into custody who have outstanding San Francisco County Warrants and have self-surrendered at CWB.
City Hall Security (CHS), Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and Community Assessment Referral Center (CARC)
These FSSD units provide vital law enforcement and building security services to ensure order, security, safety of the buildings and visitors at some of the high profile government buildings in San Francisco. Many of the responsibilities of these units are to maintain and operate building access security, patrol the interior and exterior of the buildings, respond to emergencies, protests, unlawful assemblies, duress alarm situations and disturbances during board and commission meetings or any special event.
At CHS, deputies must execute the orders and legal processes issued by the Board of Supervisors or any legally authorized department head or city commission. In addition, the SFSD assist in any evacuation of these buildings and ensure sheriff’s personnel operate the City Hall Control Room at all times. CARC, which is operated by the Juvenile Probation Department has a SFSD deputy assigned there to perform law enforcement security duties.
PUC building opened its doors to the public in mid-2012 and the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department began lobby, building and perimeter security. At the PUC building the assigned deputies are tasked with a multitude of challenges daily, most of which are ensuring only authorized personnel enter secured areas designated by the PUC. In addition, PUC personnel have many planned events with outside visitors and guests being invited into a secured building. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department maintains a security-level relevant to each event.
Civil Unit
The Civil Unit is located on the fourth floor of San Francisco City Hall. The Civil Unit is responsible for enforcing all civil court matters for the City and County of San Francisco, including the seizure of money and property. The Civil Unit also enforces residential and business evictions. We have an Eviction Assistance component to assist person(s) prior to an eviction.
The Civil Unit also serves restraining orders and responsible for serving all civil process paperwork for small claims court along with summons and complaints.
Court Services
The SFSD provides court security and court related services at three separate locations: 850 Bryant Street - Hall of Justice (HOJ); 400 McAllister Street - Civic Center Court, and 375 Woodside Drive - Juvenile Justice Center (JJC). To ensure a higher degree of safety and security for the courts and HOJ building, walk-through stand up metal detectors and monitoring / screening system were recently installed. The SFSD is responsible for providing bailiffs in court rooms, assisting the public with questions or concerns and providing security to all court related areas, building lobby and hallways adjacent to the courts. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department is responsible for ensuring all in-custody inmates are present for court proceedings and monitoring each court room for proper protocol.
Department of Emergency Management (DEM)
The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department Field and Support Services is responsible for providing outer and inner perimeter security services for San Francisco’s 911 system and Department of Emergency Management Services at 1011 Turk Street.
Elections (DOE)
In November of 2001, the citizens of San Francisco passed Proposition E, which mandated the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department to have a role in the election process. Since then, the SFSD has participated in the election process, and our primary responsibility is to assist the Department of Elections (DOE) by making sure all ballots are safely delivered and stored. The SFSD staff members are also responsible for collecting the DOE memory packs devices at each precinct location that stores election information. Because of this improvement, tabulation on election night has been streamlined and election results are provided to the public in an expedient manner.
Emergency Service Unit (ESU)
The Emergency Service Unit is a highly trained unit of the SFSD. ESU personnel are called upon to do a variety of different assignments. As part of mutual aid, ESU provides personnel and logistics to requesting law enforcement agencies. Each ESU staff member receives additional specialized training which provides them with a higher level or awareness for dangers of evictions, court proceedings, protests and crowd control management. In addition, the ESU participates in regional training exercises and competitions with other specialized units from law enforcement agencies. Over the years the ESU has continued to hone and improve their tactical, communication and physical strength by competing in Urban Shield, Best in the West and Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) Challenge. This allows ESU members to become better trained to give the citizens of the City and County of San Francisco the best possible public safety employees.
Sheriff's Patrol Unit (SPU)
SPU is responsible for general law enforcement services at San Francisco General Hospital, Laguna Honda Hospital and the nine San Francisco neighborhood medical clinics. With the multitude of visitors, patients, the injured, medical staff, medical students, etc., who visit these medical institutions, there are many challenges faced on a daily basis. The two hospitals and the nine neighborhood medical clinics encounter a variety of law enforcement challenges similar to those in our communities.
Transportation Unit
The Transportation Unit provides safe and secure transportation of prisoners through the City and County of San Francisco, other counties and the State of California. All members of this unit are equipped with a special State of California Driver’s License after successfully completing all required testing. The Transportation Unit coordinates their duties through the jails, our classification unit and court staff. The Transportation Unit and the Central Warrants Bureau consolidate many of their responsibilities to ensure work is not duplicated.