554-7225 |
Our New Hires
C. Andam
F. Asilum
B. Broach
J. Brown
J. Franco
A. Hipolito
R. Mangundayao
N. Sablan
A. Ulep
K. Wolfe
Deputy A. Cruz-Padilla
K. Washington
of Pretrial Diversion Project
40 years, Will Leong has retired. He was an
innovator and leader for years of helping people
get out -- and stay out -- of jail through
the delivery of a combination of supportive
services and
accountability. |
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Message from Sheriff
Welcome to the April/May 2017 Sheriff's
Department Newsletter. For this edition, I
provided information on the various forms of
pretrial release and bail alternatives that have
been in place in San Francisco for a few
On April 13, I was honored to attend a
retirement celebration for Will Leong, the
Executive Director of the San Francisco Pretrial
Diversion Project (SFPDP). Will, along with
other criminal justice partners, created in 1975
the concept for pretrial diversion and release
of those arrested for misdemeanor crimes. This
concept, based on "dignity, respect, compassion
and accountability," with an understanding that
the goals of crime prevention and rehabilitation
would be better served by alternatives to jail
that included education and community service
work, was groundbreaking. With Will at the helm
and funding provided by the Sheriff's
Department, the program services expanded over
many years to include more crime-involved
populations, and in 1995, began to include
supervised release of those defendants charged
with nonviolent felony crimes.
Today, there are many services that combine
the original concept. Working with the Superior
Courts, whose judges review all recommendations
and make decisions regarding release, the SFPDP
provides three levels of supervision, which are:
no active supervision, minimum supervision and
assertive case management to clients, dependent
on their risk assessment. If not for the work of
this organization, the San Francisco jail
population would almost be double the current
average of 1,250.
Additionally, the Sheriff's Department,
with the help of SFPDP, has been a leader in
alternatives to money bail for decades. Now
there is a statewide movement to replicate this
model alternative through legislation and
possibly eliminate or reform the current bail
Many may not realize that only a few people
with misdemeanor charges are booked in our
jails. The San Francisco Police Department and
other law enforcement agencies issue citations
to most individuals suspected of committing
misdemeanor crimes. An Assistant District
Attorney reviews each citation and police report
to determine if the case should be prosecuted.
The citation includes a future court date that
allows individuals to stay out of jail if they
appear in court at the appointed time. If they
do not show up as directed, a warrant for their
arrest may be issued by the court.
People who are booked into our jail for
felony crimes are evaluated through the SFPDP to
determine if they meet the criteria for
pre-arraignment release based on California law.
For persons eligible for pre-arraignment
release, a Superior Court commissioner reviews a
completed risk assessment and renders a release
decision. The commissioner also has the latitude
to alter the tool's recommended conditions of
release. If an individual is denied release
before arraignment, the judge, at arraignment,
may also determine whether a release is
warranted and the conditions of such release.
The SFPDP follows up with people on its caseload
to ensure they are engaging in the conditions
set forth for their release. Examples may
include attending substance abuse groups; anger
management sessions; behavioral health therapy;
or even residential treatment. If the person
does not comply, the court will be informed and
may order a warrant for arrest.
The San Francisco District Attorney's
Office is responsible for reviewing each felony
case to determine whether to file the case with
the court, known as "rebooking" a case. Based on
the evidence and facts of the case, the assigned
Assistant District Attorney (ADA) can decide
whether to rebook. The ADA can also dismiss,
change, add or reduce charges. This rebooking
process for felonies must take place within 48
hours after arrest, absent weekends or holidays.
Some charges do not get rebooked and if the
arrestee has no other active charges, he or she
will be released.
If a booked person is not eligible for
pretrial release, and does not have any charges
that cannot be bailed, cash bail can be posted
at any time. An average of 11 people per day
post bail. Before the first court appearance
there is a standard set bail for each criminal
charge. These bail amounts are determined by the
Superior Court in each county. During the first
or subsequent appearances in court, the judge
may set an alternate bail amount. Bail bonds
agents may be engaged by the defendant to post
bail. Generally, the defendant will pay a
nonrefundable fee of up to 10 percent of the
bail amount to the bail agent. The bail agent
will post the full amount of the bail that is
refundable to that agent if the defendant
appears in court as ordered. Here is a link to
the San
Francisco Superior Court bail
There are many nuances
and exceptions to the above, but these are the
most common methods for release of defendants
from jail before a final court
Besides attending
Will's retirement event, I swore in a new class
of deputy sheriffs and welcomed a new class of
sheriff's cadets. I spoke to a class of veteran
supervisors about expectations and their
concerns. I also addressed a class of newly
promoted supervisors. On April 3, I was one of
several city officials who each met and
addressed the Social Action Committee of the
African American women's Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority during its annual Delta Day at City
Hall event. On April 8, I was privileged to
represent the department at the San Francisco
Coordinating Council of Lions Clubs' 54th annual
Annual Awards Banquet for Police, Fire and
Sheriffs. Five members of the Sheriff's
Department received awards, many with their
families in attendance. I attended the annual 5
a.m. 1906 earthquake commemoration at Lotta's
Fountain along with many city dignitaries, the
Mayor, Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White, Police
Chief Bill Scott and scores of other hearty
souls, many dressed in period costumes. It was a
wet morning, but the spirit was not dampened as
we all sang a rousing chorus of "San
Finally, I want to
comment on one other item in this newsletter.
That is the article on National Crime Victims'
Rights Week. Many of you have heard me speak
about the idea of balance in our delivery of the
many services we provide. That idea is conveyed
very well by the concept of "dignity, respect,
compassion and accountability" mentioned in
connection with the SFPDP tenets. In maintaining
our balance of criminal justice and social
justice, we must never forget the victims of
crime, especially violent crime, and those
victims without voices, in our efforts to serve
all people.
Department Honors Slain
Enforcement Officers
Sheriff's Department's Honor Guard will
participate in the California
Peace Officers' Memorial Ceremony in
Sacramento on May 8 to honor law enforcement
officers killed in the line of duty. Deputy
sheriffs from the department will attend the
event, which will be held at 10th Street and
Capitol, site of the monument to fallen peace
officers was built.
Additionally, National
Police Week will be held the following week,
May 14-20. Two Sheriff's Department
representatives will attend the event
commemorating at the National Law Enforcement
Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Sacramento Memorial was first held in 1977 to
honor more than 1,400 officers who have been
John F. Kennedy signed a law in 1962 designating
May 15 as Peace Officers' Memorial Day. Every
year there is a service at the national Law
Enforcement Officer's Wall in Washington, D.C.
The flag will be lowered to half-staff on May 8
at Sheriff's facilities and at City Hall and all
city buildings on May 15.
Department Teams With Agencies to Supervise
Medication Collection
(From left) Lt. Hunter and Deputy Josif at
a medication collection
event. |
The Sheriff's Department is
collaborating with stewardship organization
MED-Project, the Department of Public
Health, San Francisco Police Department,
San Francisco Fire
Department and the Department
of Environment to collect unused medications
around the city. The collection is the result of
an ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors
requiring pharmaceutical manufacturers establish
and pay for medication take-back
The reasoning behind the ordinance
was because prescription and over-the-counter
medications are hazardous waste and can be
harmful to people and the environment and need
to be disposed of safely. Otherwise, if
thrown away they may get into the wrong
hands, or if flushed, unwanted
medications can end up tainting our
"There's a movement toward what we
call producer responsibility," Jennifer Jackson,
Toxics Reduction and Healthy Ecosystems Programs
Manager at the Department of Environment. "We
ask manufacturers to take a role rather than
have it be on local governments to manage the
disposal." The pharmaceutical manufacturers
cover the cost for the collection
Residents can dispose of unwanted
medication by visiting a permanent kiosk
drop-off, picking up pre-paid mail-back
envelopes, or by attending the
Sheriff's Department-supervised collection days.
Go to MED-Project's
website for the schedule or call
633-7765. Jackson added that
the ordinance requires minimum convenience in
every supervisory district, which MED-Project is
achieving through the mix of permanent sites at
pharmacies and police stations, mail-back and
At two events in late March and early
April, nearly 160 pounds of medication was
collected to be disposed. MED-Project contracted
Stericycle, an approved Reverse Distributor -
Collector with the Drug Enforcement Agency, to
take possession of the medication collected at
both events and incinerate it afterward.
Lieutenant H. Hunter and Deputy V. Josif
supervised the April 8 event, and Sergeant S.
O'Malley and Deputy D. Campillo presided over
the March 27 collection. The Sheriff's
Department will continue to supervise collection
at several take-back events this spring and
MED-Project approached several
departments, including multiple law enforcement
agencies, to preside over the take-back events.
The Sheriff's Department agreed to handle the
"This is a hard to manage waste,"
Jackson said. "It takes everyone, including
manufacturers, local governments and residents,
to be at the table to make sure this gets
disposed of properly. We are grateful to
our fellow City agencies for their
collaboration." |
National Crime
Rights Week
Delia Ginorio,
who is the director of the Sheriff's
Department's Survivor Restoration Program, said
her program supports commemorating National
Crime Victims' Rights week. "We like the week
because it brings more awareness to all
victims," she said. "We help rape survivors,
domestic violence survivors and families with
murdered children. It's about supporting all
victims who have been harmed and the services
are there for victims and survivors."
Additionally, the Sheriff's
Department's deputy sheriffs and nonsworn
personnel work to prevent crime and
recidivism by hosting programs for inmates and
services for the post-release population.
Inmates can earn high school diplomas or take
college classes, and enter substance abuse, job
training, violence prevention, behavior
reconditioning, therapy and other programs to
help stay out of jail.
As a part of commemorating National
Crime Victims' Rights Week, the San Francisco
District Attorney's Office awarded Justice
Awards on April 7 to a hate crime victim, a
carjacking victim, and a witness to a crime as
well as well as nonprofit La Raza Centro.
The California
Victim Compensation Board held awareness
activities in Sacramento to support victims of
crime. The California agency provides support to
crime victims, who often face physical and
mental consequences after violence, and has a
plethora of resources for crime victims.
National Crime Victims' Rights Week
was established in 1981 to raise awareness of
rights. |
Deputy Sheriffs Honored by
Lions Clubs
The San Francisco
Coordinating Council of Lions Clubs honored five
deputy sheriffs at its 54th annual awards
banquet April 8 in the city. The event honored
sheriff's deputies, police officers and
firefighters for their quick thinking, heroic
and/or lifesaving actions.
The deputy
sheriffs who received awards were:
- Deputy R. Balmy
(joined the department in 1999), Deputy B.
Philpot (2009) and Deputy B. Rice (2000) worked
together to save the life of an unconscious
- Dep. Balmy, along
with Deputy P. Judson (1996), also helped
capture a suspect who had allegedly stolen an
iPhone in a separate incident.
- Deputy A. Martinez
(1994) performed CPR to save an unresponsive
Retired Lieutenant
Lydia Taylor, who is the president of the San
Francisco Merced Heights Lions Club, nominated
the deputy sheriffs for the awards. Larry Wong
of the San Francisco Chinatown Lions Club was
the master of ceremonies at the event. The Lions
Clubs also honored 10 firefighters, 16 police
officers and one EMS worker.
Lions Club
International, founded in 1917, is the largest
service organization in the world with 134
million members in 204 countries. The San
Francisco Coordinating Council of Lions Clubs
was created in 1951 after 22 Lions Clubs in the
city coordinated themselves into a unified
Sigma Theta Sorority Donates Coats to Women's
Resource Center
Delta Sigma
Theta sorority stopped by the Women's Resource
Center for a visit and to donate warm coats and
clothing. They shared snacks along with the
donations. A good time was had by
all. |
Sheriff's Department
Crispin Hollings
Crispin Hollings has always been most
comfortable with numbers. "A poem can be read a
thousand times and never be read the same way,"
he said. "Words are never as precise as numbers,
no matter how well-intentioned the author. On
the other hand, math, and numbers therein, are
governed by precise, unchanging rules. You
either have a correct or incorrect answer to a
problem. Math is never 'sort of'
Hollings is the Sheriff's
Department's chief financial officer, joining
the department last autumn. He heads the
12-member Finance unit, whose purpose is to
support the department by managing payroll,
contracts, grants, budget transactions and
financial analysis. "We're here to work all the
transactions that come with bringing money in
and sending money out, all year long, to keep
the department going," he said. "On a broad
level, we're here to help sworn and civilian
staff carry out the mission of the
Hollings grew up in Virginia and
studied engineering at the University of
Virginia. He spent the first 25 years of his
career working on jet engines, first for Pratt
& Whitney Aircraft in Hartford, Conn., then
for United Airlines in San Francisco. He also
earned his aircraft mechanics' license from the
City College of San Francisco.
Hollings' interests shifted from jet
engine repair to finance in 2001, when the
tragedy of 9/11 happened. He was a United
maintenance supervisor when the attacks
occurred, and saw changes in his professional
world. He enrolled in graduate school and earned
an MBA from UC
Berkeley, Haas School of Business. "I
thought it was time to expand my credentials,"
he said. "I went back to school and started
applying for finance jobs and was hired by the
Francisco Public Utilities Commission
(SFPUC) in 2008." Hollings worked at the SFPUC
as the director of financial planning for nearly
nine years before joining the Sheriff's
A big adjustment for the Sheriff's
finance group, as well as other city finance
groups, is coming soon with a new system that is
rolling out in July called the Financial
System Project, or F$P.
It is a citywide initiative
spearheaded by the Controller's Office that is a
"comprehensive enterprise resource planning
system, which includes financial, supply chain
management and reporting and analytics
functionality," according to the city's website.
The new system was developed by PeopleSoft
Financial Management and Supply Chain
Management, and Oracle Business Intelligence.
According to Hollings, "The city has used its
current financial system, FAMIS, since 1980.
It's past the end of its useful life and has a
lot of limitations. The city is moving into the
21st century by bringing on this new financial
system. It will entail change, although we hope
most of the change will be invisible to most
Sheriff's Department personnel."
In his free
time, Hollings is active with the boards of the
Municipal Executives Association, the bargaining
unit for the City's managers; the Alice B.
Toklas LGBT Democratic Club; and the Castro
Country Club, a sober community space in the
Castro. He is also a runner, with a goal of four
half-marathons each year - the most recent
of which was the Oakland Half-Marathon, which he
ran on April 2. He is enthusiastic about City
Hall and San Francisco history; as such, he also
volunteers as a City Hall docent. He lives in
the Castro with his husband,
Luis. |
Jail #5 Hosts
Resources Fair
organizations provided information on
About 460 inmates
attended the fifth annual Reentry Resources Fair
held at County Jail #5 on April 4. The fair,
hosted by the Sheriff's Department, Five Keys
Schools and Programs and 65 community-based
organizations, focuses inmates on preparing for
life after release from jail.
Mick Gardner,
assistant director of programs and reentry at
Five Keys Schools and Programs, organized the
event. He said he placed the community-based
organizations into several categories - housing;
transitional housing, including substance abuse
facilities; social services; transitional aged
youth services; employment; and veteran
services. Inmates received a list of the
community-based organizations ahead of time to
determine which services they needed.
The purpose of the
fair is to bridge the gap for inmates on the
outside, Gardner said. "Many times, when people
get out, they don't know there are services
available to them," he said. "The fair is a way
for the men to interact, engage and identify
what services might be available."
Deputy sheriffs
brought inmates to the event area pod by pod.
The prisoners had about 35 minutes to meet with
the various agencies, the goal being for the
prisoners to open communication with the
organizations and build a relationship.
In August, a
reentry resource fair will be held at County
Department Hosts Family Academy for Friends and
Paulson lectured about the department.
| Working
as a deputy sheriff comes with a unique set of
stressors, pressures that loved ones, let alone
any civilian, may have a hard time
understanding. For the past 15 years, the
Sheriff's Department has presented a two-day
class during which family and friends get a
glimpse into what deputy sheriffs experience on
the job, especially when working in a jail
facility. The most recent class, called the
Family Academy, was held February 25 and March
"Our job can be mysterious, or even
grotesque," said Captain K. Paulson, who
developed the Family Academy with Sergeant D.
Gunn. "Frequently, it cannot be explained,
except experientially. This class provides a
small window for the families in which to look
in and develop an understanding and compassion
for their loved ones."
Attendees enjoyed breakfast and
coffee February 25 at 70 Oak Grove St. in San
Francisco, then learned some jail slang, such as
"flagship" for County Jail #5 and "pruno" for
jail-made alcohol. Several deputy sheriffs
lectured about the department's history,
classification and restraint levels at the
facilities. After lunch, there was a tour of the
jails and a lecture about the courts, as well as
a discussion of what it's like working in the
"The overall purpose is to help
family and close friends understand a lot of
the challenges that are in place," Sgt. Gunn
said. "It's one thing to read about it or watch
something on television. But we found that
experiencing what the deputies experience helps
them understand that the deputies' reactions are
normal emotions that we have to put aside or
push down, just to get through the day. We also
touch on emotions we have to turn back on after
you leave work. It helps them understand some
behaviors that might come along. It doesn't
excuse them, but at least there is an
The following Saturday, class was
held at County Jail #5 in San Bruno. The
importance of pod supervision (versus linear
supervision) was discussed, then attendees took
a tour of the facility. Specific challenges such
as suicide, domestic violence and alcoholism
that deputy sheriffs cope with was also talked
about. The deputy sheriffs then left the room,
and a panel made up of deputy sheriffs' loved
ones led a talk about strategies they have used
to cope with the stress of being with someone
who is a peace officer.
Sheriff Vicki Hennessy, Chief Deputy
Sheriff P. Miyamoto, Lieutenant C. Krol, Lt. F.
Velasco, Sgt. K. Heuer, Sgt. S. O'Malley and
Deputy M. Jones also lectured and provided
support to the class over the two days.
Capt. Paulson said participants are
usually astonished by what they learn initially.
"At first, we get a little bit of shock and
awe," he said. "After that, a little fear - 'Is
this what my loved one faces every day?' Then we
get acceptance, encouragement and
The Sheriff's Department held its
first Family Academy in 2002, after former CFO
and Assistant Sheriff Jean Mariani attended a
citizens' academy hosted by the Marin
County Sheriff's Office. "She said, 'This is
great. We should do something like this,'" Sgt.
Gunn said. About 300 people have attended the
Family Academy over the past 1½
Lt. Krol spoke to the
attendees. | |
Jail #5 Inmates Combine Social Justice,
By Angela Wilson
For the 24 male inmates who attended
"The Art of Social Justice," E. Christian's
six-week quilting class, Classroom #7 at County
Jail #5 became an intimate, sacred space alive
with teamwork,
comradery, community,
accomplishment and pride in, yes, their
For Christian, a Five Keys Charter
School teacher and former prosecutor, using
quilting as an expression of social activism is
a family tradition. "I was taught by my paternal
auntie how to convert scraps of cloth into a
quilt," she said. She passed her knowledge to
her sister and to her niece, Sara Trail, who
went on to become well-known as a creative
sewing talent, educator and founder of the
Social Justice Sewing Academy, which engages
at-risk youth in social activism and
To accomplish quilting in a jail
setting, Christian worked with Lieutenant S.
Colmenero, Lieutenant R. Debiasio and Five Keys
Principal C. Scott to develop a safe way to
bring sewing needles and scissors into the
education corridor. She was assisted by Ms.
Vazquez and Ms. Brittany, who cut cloth
donated by the Women's Resource Center into
designs and words.
"This is true restorative justice,"
said Facility Commander Captain K. Paulson. "Men
who are willing to be creative, to be
vulnerable, in order to give voice to the
changes they want to see in themselves and in
their society."
The students in Christian's class
first were introduced to the concept and meaning
of social justice in classes taught by San
Francisco City College Professor Dr. Palaita.
When quilting became available to
all pods, they watched documentaries -
"Common Threads," about the AIDS
Memorial Quilt; "How To Make An American
Quilt;" and, "Quiltmakers of Gee's Bend" - and
engaged in discussions of creativity and the
inequities of racism, sexism and homophobia.
Christian said, "After loading the students'
minds with fresh concepts of social justice,
they sketched their ideas onto paper and
transferred their concepts onto cloth." Some
squares expressed peace, love and kindness;
others included images of trees and calls for
"What you will see as the finished
project is a vision of social justice as seen
through the perspective of the incarcerated,"
Christian said.
Angela Wilson
is a rehabilitation service coordinator with the
An example of the
artwork. |
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