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May, June, July and August 2016 - ISSUE 40-43
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to Our  New Hires and to Our Retirees:
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New Hires:

Cadet Ryan Aguas
Cadet Jazmin Aguirre
Cadet Ferran Anderson
Cadet Victoria Avarez-Im
Cadet Shannon Beard
Cadet Charmaine Benitez
Cadet Emare Butler
Cadet Jeanette Canstanza
Cadet Kenneth Deng
Cadet Yrwin Factoran
Cadet Jason Jeung
Cadet Elvira Flores-Jimenez
Cadet Marc Jimenez
Cadet Charles Hegarty
Cadet Alex Jayson
Cadet Humair Khan
Cadet Johnny Li
Cadet Steven Lu
Cadet Anthoni Nguyen
Cadet April Palencia
Cadet Vanessa Perez
Cadet Leidemar Pescador
Cadet Francisco Ruiz
Cadet Devin Smith
Cadet David Soto
Cadet Ashley Trevizo
Cadet Marc Untalan

Keiko Fukuma

Damon Holmes
Stationary Engineer

Shani Jones
Fingerprint Techician

Jessica Rogers
Fingerprint Technician

Lieutenant John Caramucci
Lieutenant Brian Krol
Lieutenant David Murphy
Lieutenant James Quanico
Sergeant Fabian Brown
Sergeant Philip Judson
Sergeant Tiffany Martin
Sergeant Sara O'Malley
Sergeant Scott Roth
Sergeant Robert Ward
Sergeant Alvin Young
Sergeant Alisa Zehner

Deputy Lawrence Hom 
Senior Deputy Mayorga
Deputy Mark Morrison
Sergeant Derrick Pressley


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© 2016
San Francisco
Sheriff's Department
A Message from Sheriff 
Vicki Hennessy
Welcome to the consolidated May, June, July and August issue of the San Francisco Sheriff's Department Newsletter.  As I mentioned in the April Newsletter we lost our public information officer to a cross country move - hence the reason for the four-month issue.  The good news is that we have identified a replacement who we hope to hire and introduce in the next newsletter.
This newsletter recounts the good work by Deputy Rosado, who, while off-duty, called 911 to report a man with a gun and then assisted the responding police sergeant in apprehending him. Even though he was ordered to stop, the suspect moved toward the sergeant, but Deputy Rosado was able to position himself in order to stop the suspect and effect his capture.  He did so quickly and effectively, exhibiting the best attributes of a peace officer who runs to help when needed. 
Officers who "run to help" are the subject of an article about the California Peace Officer's Memorial enrollment ceremony that took place on May 2nd, honoring five officers killed in the line of duty. This event was held prior to the recent upsurge in deaths of peace officers around the country. News coverage of the two police officers and a deputy sheriff who died in an ambush in Baton Rouge on Sunday morning, July 17th, included a particularly poignant Facebook posting by one of the officers, Montrell Jackson. In it, he expressed how physically and emotionally drained he had felt as an African American peace officer since protests had erupted in his city after the July 5th killing of Alton Sterling by police.  His post included this plea, "...These are trying times.  Please don't let hate infect your heart."
Hate is far from the heart of the Sheriff's Department Religious Services Coordinator, Yolanda Robinson.  In fact, love is her message.  Soon after I took office, Ms. Robinson invited me to meet with her many volunteers, who represent a wide variety of religious organizations.  It was at this meeting that she relayed the story you will read in this issue about what led her to develop Prayer at the Gate.  She had a vision and was able to put it into practice.  By all accounts, Prayer at the Gate has been a success story for the spirit and the soul.
Voting is good for the soul and good for the civic spirit!  Leading up to the June 7th primary election, our Prisoner Legal Services again launched the Inmate Voter Program.  Some years ago, PLS assumed responsibility for identifying eligible prisoners and helping them register to vote. PLS staff facilitate the delivery of absentee ballots and enhance the voting experience by providing voter information guides so each eligible prisoner can make an educated selection for candidates and ballot measures. Voting has been identified as an activity that contributes to an individual's success in reentering the community after incarceration.
Perhaps the most important factor in successful reentry is connection to family. Many people inside the jails have children and even grandchildren, but too often they get lost in the shuffle as their parents' cases are adjudicated. To remedy this, the Sheriff's Department is fortunate to have the services of two exceptional organizations, One Family and the Center for Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ), who facilitate activities that support family unity and address the needs of children of incarcerated parents.  On Father's Day, One Family hosted a visiting event at County Jail #5 for 46 fathers and 72 children that featured a mac-and-cheese lunch and many kid-friendly activities. Sometimes, though, child-parent visiting addresses a sadder event.  This edition of the Newsletter includes the story of a "goodbye" visit, facilitated by CJCJ. These visits are designed to prepare children for a parent's transfer to state prison and long term incarceration. Making sure that the children of incarcerated people have an opportunity to bond and plant seeds for the future aids in reducing recidivism by adding the incentives of family contact.  These programs are supported by the San Francisco Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership.  To learn more about the work of SFCIPP, check out their website at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Du2U_9VXRcsZ2mRvDf-h7skZo3w4Hl0wH6poVvpVVdMDvT1x8pV-lrKHrGoU8x5rDbmIW_GL-vZvaL1sfSgWJP_KW0dIMqF9yEDMzIsGuEPTTlhwXF_RzHaRo4unyBeC4G1TUXw3xPIoCXDFrDKgEMfu3UKgcV-UCaTJo8idRaI=&c=&ch=
I was sworn into office on January 8th and I cannot believe that it is already the middle of August!  I have been working hard with my staff on a number of important initiatives to improve our department services, reemphasize expectations for staff and begin laying the groundwork to ensure transparency in our reporting out. The following efforts are ongoing:
  • A professional audit of our Internal Affairs Unit is tasked with identifying gaps in procedure and practice as well as recommending improved resources.  This undertaking also involves bringing the investigative software up to date to improve our ability to report out on a regular basis dispositions of complaints.
  • We recently renegotiated a contract with our inmate phone providers that resulted in a reduction of costs for all calls.  Local calls now cost 14 cents per minute, with no surcharges added.  This makes our phone rates the lowest in the Bay Area.
  • Immediately upon taking office I began working closely with the Transgender Law Center to ensure our TGI (Trans Gender-Gender Variant-Intersex) inmates would have the opportunity to express a preference in housing for consideration during the classification process.  This turned out to be much more complicated than I had imagined, and is taking much more time than I would like.  The policy and training program are still under construction as we work with members of the community, the Human Rights Commission, and members of our staff toward implementation.  For more information, click here to download a letter I sent to Supervisors Kim and Campos outlining some of our progress and our goals: And, here, you can read my training bulletin and memo to staff on TGI policy changes that will be coming soon.
  • We worked very hard with the Mayor's Office this year to craft a budget for the Sheriff's Department that includes a much-needed boost in hiring.  No doubt some of you have read that the City and County employee who earned the most money in the last fiscal year was a deputy for the San Francisco Sheriff's Department. This was a direct result of our need to use employees on overtime - and, too often, involuntary overtime -- to fulfill our core functions. Our Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget will allow us to begin filling vacancies that accumulated over the past several years. Details may be found here.
  • The new budget also provides funds for the Department to introduce body cameras as a pilot project at County Jail #4.  The policy is currently under review, as is a schedule that includes training, implementation, and metrics for evaluating effectiveness.
  • Another budget ask was to ensure adequate continuing training for line staff, supervisors and management in Crisis Intervention, Implicit Bias, Supervision, Management and Leadership. As we look at all the training necessary, we are developing a strategic plan that will provide direction over the next few years.
  • We are implementing several self-audits.  A short description of the Custody Division Self Audit is included in this newsletter.  Along with the Internal Affairs Unit audit, we are also pursuing an audit of our Technical Services Unit to provide some recommendations regarding staffing, span of control, data input and extraction for reporting, and needed resources.  We hope to have the city's Controller's Office assist us in this endeavor in the next six months.
If there are any subjects you would like to propose for a future edition of the Newsletter, please feel free to email us at: mailto:sheriff@sfgov.org
Off Duty Deputy Sheriff Diffuses Dangerous Encounter
On a February evening, off-duty Deputy Ronald Rosado parked his car on Geary Boulevard and 19th Avenue and was reaching into the trunk to get his backpack when he heard a man walking behind him utter racial epithets and angry threats to shoot certain individuals. As Deputy Rosado turned to look at him, he noticed what appeared to be a semi-automatic handgun tucked into the front of his waistband. He dialed 911 to report a man with a gun, and maintained a running conversation with the dispatcher as he followed the man across the street, staying a safe distance from him, until police arrived.
Deputy Rosado pointed to the man, by now crouching between two cars, and shouted a warning to the responding San Francisco Police Sergeant that he had a gun. The sergeant drew her firearm and ordered the man to raise his hands. He raised his hands but advanced toward the sergeant, ignoring her repeated warnings to stop. As the man continued to move toward her, Rosado positioned himself to the right of him, and swiftly applied a bar arm takedown to bring the man to the ground, where Rosado used the sergeant's handcuffs to restrain him.
As the sergeant maintained control of the man, Rosado noticed another man approaching her. He was highly intoxicated and refused Rosado's orders to step away. Rosado pushed him away to prevent him from interfering with the arrest.
Searching the area around the man, he located the handgun, which was later identified as a spring-loaded pellet gun, as well as a small baton, both of which could have been used to inflict injury on the responding officers and passers-by.
According to the supervising SFPD lieutenant's report, commending him on a job well done, Deputy Rosado "prevented a possible violent incident that was soon to take place."
California Peace Officers' Memorial
On Monday, May 2, members of the Honor Guard represented the San Francisco Sheriff's Department in the 40th Annual California Peace Officers' Memorial enrollment ceremony in Sacramento. In the shadows of the State Capital, five law enforcement officers who tragically lost their lives in the line of duty were remembered for their bravery and courage. The names are as follows:
Officer Michael Johnson-San Jose Police Department;
Officer David Nelson-Bakersfield Police Department;
Sergeant Scott Lunger-Hayward Police Department;
Officer Bryce Hanes-San Bernardino Police Department; and,
Officer William Waggoner-Long Beach Police Department
Hayward Police Chief Diane Urban gave the keynote address to four thousand attendees. She quoted the poet John Donne in reminding us that we are all part of the larger community, not just our city or community:
"No man is an island, entire unto itself.
Every man is a part of the continent, a piece of the main...
Every man's death diminishes me, because I am part of all mankind...
Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."
Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, of the California Supreme Court, recalled the words of our national anthem in eulogizing the five officers, saying they gave their lives so each and every one of us can live in this land of the free and home of the brave. She urged all law enforcement officers to live up to the public trust invested in each of us.
The California Peace Officers' Memorial is composed of three bronze figures, each nine feet tall, that represent an 1800's county sheriff, a 1930's state trooper and a 1980's police officer. These three figures look down on a life-sized figure of a woman comforting a child sitting on a bench, representing the grief-torn families left behind in tragedy. 1400 names appear on the memorial. 
Getting out the Vote from the Inside
The Prisoner Legal Services unit of the San Francisco Sheriff's Department provided 411 inmates with voter services for the June 7th, 2016, primary election through its Inmate Voter Program. In the last four years, the Inmate Voter Program has served over 2,000 prisoners, with a confirmed participation rate of 62.5% in the November 2015 local election.
The Inmate Voter Program's mission is to provide eligible inmates with a meaningful opportunity for their voice to be heard about the issues that matter to them. The program assists inmates eligible to vote with the voter registration process and secures their vote-by-mail ballots, enabling them to cast their votes. The program provides inmates with access to vital voter information by supplying them with non-partisan voter information guides and campaign literature.
To achieve its mission, the Inmate Voter Program extends an invitation to all candidates and contests registered with the Department of Elections to provide their campaign materials. Achieving this mission requires an extraordinary amount of work and dedication, and could not be accomplished without the efforts of the Department's Prisoner Legal Services staff, their partnership with the San Francisco Department of Elections, and the Department's sworn and civilian personnel.
Five Keys Charter School, June Graduation Season
Families and friends gathered to celebrate the achievements of fifteen in-custody graduates and eighty-one community graduates at the Sheriff's Department's Five Keys Charter School graduation ceremonies in June. Keynote speaker Emon Shivers told the in-custody graduates that his incarceration turned out to be his rescue because it enabled him to complete high school and begin a new chapter in his life. Danesha Bishop inspired the community graduates with her story of overcoming the obstacles of the foster care system and frequent stints in juvenile hall. Congratulations to the Five Keys class of 2016!
A Special Goodbye
After what seemed like a longer week than usual, Friday finally arrived. Eva, the ten-year-old child of an incarcerated parent, was going to jail to say goodbye to her Dad. She was sad and upset because, after six years of visiting her dad weekly, everything was changing. Her father was going away to prison.
The visit started like any other, with Eva and Dad coloring pictures together. Then, Dad presented Eva with a journal and explained to her that she could use it to write down her thoughts and feelings about his being away, and she could note the events in her life she wanted to be sure to share with him during their phone calls. Eva took to the journal immediately and decided to her first entry would be a list of their favorite songs, which they hummed together as she wrote. Then Dad wrote a special message for her to read after she got home.
A photo of Dad and Eva was taken so she would have a tangible memory of this day. Over the years he had been incarcerated, they had taken a photo every Christmas, and now, they reminisced about them. Then it was time to move to a more emotional discussion. Dad explained to Eva that he would not be able to see her for a while because he was moving from the jail to state prison, and he would be there for two years. He told her she could still come to visit him, but not as often, and only after Gram was given permission. He finished by telling her that after his time in prison was over, he would come home and they could do things together.
Emotions grew, and Eva opened her journal once more and wrote a word and showed it to Dad. "Happy," it read. "I'm excited you'll come back home," she said, "and stay overnight with Gram and me."
At the end of their visit, they said their usual prayer and hugged tightly.
Research shows that children who are supported while experiencing the incarceration of a parent are more likely to feel valued. Family visits, like Eva's visit with Dad, play a crucial role in helping children cope with the absence of their parent.
Goodbye visits are coordinated by the Center for Juvenile and Criminal Justice, whose manager, Maire Larkin, is committed to preparing children for their opportunity to say, "see you next time, Dad." Working with Eva, she knew the girl required help sorting out her emotions, so she purchased the journal for Dad to give his daughter.
Captain Miyamoto, facility commander of County Jail #4, says, "The 'good bye' visit is an extension of our one-on-one weekly visits, and a natural progression to account for best preparing the child to accept changes when the parent leaves.  Providing the chance for a healthy farewell helps support and affirm the parent-child bond, something positive we can bring to the negatives of incarceration." 
For Dinky Manek Enty, fulfilling the needs of children of incarcerated parents has been her life's work.  Of Eva's goodbye visit with Dad, she says, "These moments make my work worth it. The lasting impact our team's efforts had with this child and family is the reason I joined the field."
County Jail #5 Father's Day Event 
On June 18th, One Family, in collaboration with the San Francisco Sheriff's Department, hosted a Father's Day celebration for the fathers incarcerated at County Jail #5. The turn-out was tremendous. 46 fathers and 72 children were celebrated with macaroni and cheese, from Homeroom in Oakland, brownies and Capri-Suns. The event also featured a Father's Day card making/coloring station, toys and games, viewing of the movie, The Sandlot, and photo booths for the children to take pictures with their fathers. Each dad was honored with an official "World's Best Dad" certificate. Their children were very proud of their fathers and gave thunderous applause as each dad received their certificate. The fathers left the event feeling celebrated and appreciated.
Custody Self Audit
On February 20, 2016, the Santa Clara County Blue Ribbon Commission released a report entitled Jail Conditions: Inmate, Staff & Family Perspectives. This report took months to prepare, used the services of over a dozen attorneys, and included close to a thousand interviews of inmates, jail staff, and inmate families. The result of this report was to identify ten (10) major issues that negatively impacted jail operations in the Santa Clara County Jail system. These issues included;
  1. Lack of confidence in the grievance process
  2. Complaints regarding gaps between policy and practice
  3. Delays and deficiencies in medical care
  4. Problems with hygiene and sanitation
  5. Insufficient and inconsistent out of cell time
  6. Lack of transparency in classification and discipline
  7. Differences in inmates serving state prison time versus county time
  8. Understaffing and poor staff morale
  9. Perception by inmates and families that staff members are not accountable for their actions
  10. Inmate lack of knowledge about the Inmate Welfare Fund (IWF)
While we don't think our jail system shares all of the same problems, the Custody Operations Division has started a "self-audit" of our correctional practices to see if we need improvement in any of the areas identified above. The process began with a meeting held on 6/23/16 including the Undersheriff, the Chief of the Custody Operations Division, all Facility Commanders, Classification, and Custody Administration. In future it will include meetings with medical staff, PLS, and other involved parties.

The goal of this exercise is to look at what our practices are in comparison with what was identified as problematic in the Santa Clara County report. Each identified issue was assigned to an individual staff member who will report back to the larger group for discussion, identification of problems, and possible corrective measures.
The department looks forward to finding out how we are doing on these issues, and will discuss the reports in future issues of the Sheriff's Newsletter.
When we think of the role of the Sheriff's Department's Religious Services
Coordinator, we think of providing opportunities for prayer and worship to prisoners, but a conversation with the mother of a prisoner facing a possible life sentence inspired Religious Services Coordinator Yolanda Robinson to expand that definition.
The mother, who visited her son regularly, told Yolanda that she wished there was someone at the jail on visiting days to pray with and support her. As a woman who was always counted on to be the rock of her family, she was the one who took care of everyone else and prayed for everyone else. But when it came to her own need for support, she felt that no one in her family or her church community could truly understand the stress and sadness of having a loved one in jail.
Yolanda brought the mother's story to her network of dedicated faith-based organizations, with whom she has worked for years to provide counseling, guidance and spiritual support to inmates. Together, they created Prayer at the Gate, a twice-monthly gathering of representatives from 15 different faiths who welcome families and friends of prisoners in County Jail #5 in San Bruno to pray with them.
Prayer at the Gate is open to people of all denominations, or even no denomination. For loved ones of the incarcerated, many of whom spend hours each week traveling to and from the jail, Prayer at the Gate offers a moment of respite, a chance to pray with others who understand, and a place to receive support.
If you or someone you know is looking to lend some spiritual support to family members of the incarcerated, please contact Yolanda Robinson at 415-575-4470 or yolanda.robinson@sfgov.org. All denominations are welcomed and encouraged to participate.

Sheriff's Department History Section

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San Francisco Sheriff's Department, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, RM 456, San Francisco, CA 94102
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